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Le Temple du Goút


Le Temple du Goút


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Francesco Mancini (1679 - 1739)
Sonata XI: #2. Allegro

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Francesco Mancini (1679 - 1739)
Sonata XI: #2. Allegro

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this is a 88.2 kHz hi-sampling recording

"Le Temple du Goút" 
18th century music from Italy and France


Antonia Tejeda - Baroque alto recorder in f,
Voice-flute (baroque recorder in d), Traditional Catalan drum

Eyal Streett - Baroque bassoon

Sasha Agranov - Violoncello


Rubato Appassionato was founded in the year 2000 at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague. The ensemble devotes itself to baroque music, exploring the beauty and elegance of the 18th century. The unique combination of instruments opens doors to creativity and originality while remaining faithful to the spirit and aesthetics of baroque music. The repertoire embraces music from Italy, Germany, France, the Netherlands, England and Spain, containing pieces which are both exquisite and virtuous. Passionate for research of forgotten and unknown compositions, the ensemble imposes on itself the goal to capture these musical gems and offer them to the public. The use of the cello as a harmonic instrument playing the basso continuo is a historical performance-practice that gives a very sparkling and fresh color. Rubato Appassionato has performed all over Holland, Spain and Israel.



Francesco Mancini (1679 - 1739) Sonata XI
1. Un poco Andante 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. Allegro

Nicolas Chedeville (1705 -1782) Sonata IV
5. PreIudio (Largo) 6. Allegro ma non presto 7. Pastorale ad libitum 8. Allegro

Joseph Bodin de Boismortier (1689 - 1755) Sonata VI
9. Allemanda 10. Corrente 11. Largo 12. Giga

Roberto Valentine (1674 - c.1740) Sonata Prima
13. Adagio 14. Allegro 15. Adagio 16. Allegro (Giga)

André Philidor l'aine (1652 - 1730) Suitte en e si mi.
17. Marche du Roy de la Chine 18. Entree d'une pagode 19. Chaconne ensuitte 20. Guigue ensuitte

21. Partite di Follia. Flauto, Anonymous

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