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The Splendour of Al-Andalus


The Splendour of Al-Andalus

Listen to #2:
"Mosaddar Ya Muslimin"
realaudio dowwnload

Listen to #2:
"Mosaddar Ya Muslimin"
DSL/Cable realaudio stream

* this is a 96 kHz recording

emerald audiophile series disc

Stereophile Magazine 'Recording of the Month', May 1995.

This 3rd MA original 96 kHz High Sampling digital recording, is a collection of Andalusian pieces performed by members of the Paniagua family of Madrid, Spain. Andalusian music developed from the mid-7th through the end of the 15th century in the southern area of Spain controlled by Muslims who originally came from North Africa and as far away as Iraq. It is very melodic, very rhythmic and very beautiful. Recorded in a centuries old cathedral at La Monasterio de la Santa Espina, Valladolid, Spain.

Also available in a limited edition Gold CD version: M026A-G



In our efforts to make for a more colorful sonic and musical experience, MA Recordings introduces the "Emerald Audiophile Series". It is well known among concerned audiophiles that light refractions of the optical laser thru the polycarbonate universally used in compact discs can make for a less than accurate reading of the digital musical content.

MA's "Emerald Audiophile Series" discs are actually made with a dark green polycarbonate, to help alleviate the potential problems associated with internal light refraction and enable a more accurate reading of the digital data from the optical disc, delivering the music with more finesse, and ultimately the original intention of the performer(s) and producer.

For an enhanced musical experience, MA invites you to audition our "Emerald Audiophile Series"


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